The Teachings
The Keys are, collectively, a code book that explains how the Divine is extended and manifested through higher Thought-Forms that unfold throughout all realms of life. They are a blueprint for a new direction in humankind’s evolution into a higher state of consciousness.
Spiritual Action
All are connected with a higher energy source — the energy of the Divine Presence. We seek to come togther in dialogue, prayer and meditation, to help bring healing to the planet and to elevate our understanding of all participants’ roles in the Kingdom of God.
Further Study
For those interested in further studying The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, and in finding spiritual fellowship, we have official study groups throughout the world. We also post video and audio broadcasts as well as live webcasts here on the site.
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Study Material
To order material in Europe please review the material listings in our European Catalog, then contact us about your questions regarding the material and teachings. We will be very happy to assist you in your studies.
Thank you for your interest in our work.