Workshop in Finland – Helsinki
25-26 January 2025
English with Finnish translation
Key 404 – Thou Shall Be the Kingdom
“All Life is an Emanation of the Infinte.”
The “Kingdom” is the Garment of Divine Perfection. Is the universe an enfoldment of happenstance or expression of “evolutionary perfection”? How can we put our Life in direct resonance with Divine Perfection and “become” the Kingdom? We study central aspects of Key 4-0-4 to get a deeper understanding of our “Higher Heritage” in the House of Many Mansions”.
With Pieter Volger.
Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 – 18:30 | 140 euros.
Venue: Helsinki, Finland.
1-Day-Workshop in the Netherlands – Amsterdam
15 March 2025
Adam and Eve in Our Time
This study day takes a look at the ancient manuscripts of the story of Adam and Eve. The manuscripts guide us through the history of creation, the ‘Fall’ and the subsequent expulsion from paradise as well as how the body of Adam is ultimately redeemed. But what can this journey teach us in our present day? Is the primordial couple outdated or does it have relevance for life in the 21st century?
Throughout the text, Dr Hurtak has given 50 Thresholds of Merkabah that lead us along the events of the ancient and timely scroll. We will read from the small book published by the Academy (please bring your own copy for study). If you ever wondered about the nature of ‘Paradise’, the meaning of the ‘Fall’, and how that archetypal story reflects itself in our lives today – then come and study with us to find deeper understanding.
Seminar in English. With Ulli Granögger
Saturday, 15th March 2025 : 10am – 05pm | 95 Euros.
Register with the form below
Workshop in France – Les Trois-Épis (Alsace)
05-06 April 2025
English with French translation
Key 409 – Speaking with the EKA Universe
Clé 409 – Parler avec l’Univers EKA
We are now ready to make contact. The greater universe is opening and humanity will realize that we are not alone. Key 409 teaches us to understand the EKA Universe – the multidimensional cosmos that requires a higher consciousness for communication and navigation.
This Key speaks about the many levels of Communion, both with the Holy Spirit as well as with the Brothers and Sisters of Light. We shall discover that we are linked to the greater cosmos by a network of pictographic language and axiatonal lines that code our body and consciousness for higher contact.
With Ulli Granögger. Join for 2 days of in-depth study and fellowship.
Saturday : 10:00 – 21:00 | Sunday: 10:00 – 16:30 | 130 euros.
Venue: Notre-Dame de Trois-Épis, Ammerschwihr, Alsace.
Register with the form below
Seminar at Lake Garda, Italy
12-13 April 2025
English with Italian translation
Adam and Eve in Our Time
This study weekend takes a look at the ancient manuscripts of the story of Adam and Eve. The manuscripts guide us through the history of creation, the ‘Fall’ and the subsequent expulsion from paradise as well as how the body of Adam is ultimately redeemed. But what can this journey teach us in our present day? Is the primordial couple outdated or does it have relevance for life in the 21st century?
Throughout the text, Dr Hurtak has given 50 Thresholds of Merkabah that lead us along the events of the ancient and timely scroll. We will read from the small book published by the Academy (please bring your own copy for study). If you ever wondered about the nature of ‘Paradise’, the meaning of the ‘Fall’, and how that archetypal story reflects itself in our lives today – then come and study with us to find deeper understanding.
With Ulli Granögger. Join for 2 days of in-depth study and fellowship.
Saturday: 11:00 – 21:30 | Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00 | 130 €.
Venue: Hotel Poiano Resort, Lago di Garda, Italy
Register with the form below
Workshop Booking Form