Understanding How to Fuse with the Divine Spirit
17-19 May 2024, Dornbirn, Austria
Dr. J.J. Hurtak, author of The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch®, and Dr. Desiree Hurtak will be conducting a 3-day seminar on The Ninth Light Picture Superscript or Key 4-0-9: We Are The Communion, which introduces us to the understanding of how we can directly connect with the Godhead through the Power of the Holy Spirit, called by the prophets Ruach Ha Kodesh.
Through Communion, we connect through our Higher Overself and gain the ability to function in multidimensional realities. We also connect with the Office of the Christ, as the Office of Higher Divine Love.
This is information shown to Dr. Hurtak by Enoch and Metatron, further revealing the power of the Divine Communion that works to transform us every day and in every circumstance of change!
«Kulturhaus», Dornbirn, Austria
17-19 May 2024
Starts: Friday at 1.00 PM — Ends: Sunday at 10.00 PM
Registration and hall opening: Friday at 11.00 AM
Participation fee: EUR/CHF 299.-
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