Activating Sacred Vortex Energies
Please join us for a special afternoon of teaching, meditation, and music
with Dr. J.J. Hurtak (author of The Keys of Enoch®) and Dr. Desiree Hurtak
prior to their appearance in London
From the Great Pyramid to Stonehenge and Glastonbury, we begin to understand how the sacred grid points, as cosmological maps on the planet, reveal the missing links to a higher evolution. The Sacred Temples, within the ancient sites, are morphogenetic portals for higher consciousness linkage to both extraterrestrial and Higher Dimensional beings. From the ancient stupas of India to the underground structures of Mexico, we can use these sacred spaces to become initiated to reach inner and outer realms of heavenly ascension. With live music by Darren Curtis of Sacred Resonance.
The event will take place on Wednesday, 5th October, 2022, 1.30pm to 4.30pm
at the Red Brick Building, Morland Enterprise Park, Morland Road, Glastonbury
Tickets are £12 if paid in advance or £15 on the day of the event.
Registration is advised as spaces are limited.
We look forward to welcoming you all to this celebration of the Family of Light.
To reserve your space in advance please email Chandra at: to arrange advance payment.