Expanding the Horizons of the Inner Mind
A Creative Essay
©1999 by Joseph Piskorowski
Working with The Academy For Future Science and partaking of The Reality of Global Transformation awakens a realization that there is a multi-faceted existence that is being experienced by the human race. Everything that takes place is for a Divine reason no matter how trivial what takes place may seem. Our purpose is to unravel all the areas of mystical phenomena unfolding before our eyes. Jesus is the perfect example to follow and as we listen to His Sacred teachings our purpose for existence unfolds and opens for us as we make our inward journey. We then realize that we are experiencing our own deliverance out of Egypt, but it is an Exodus of Light whereby we cross this spectrum of many realities to work with the B’nai Or (Sons of Light) who help us to see the Truth. The Graduation of mankind is about to take place!
The work of The Academy encourages the mind of the seeker to double-think and triple-think on new realities so as to be able to slow down no matter where the attention is focused. Taking care of small errands is not enough to bring a person back to only this world of reality. Higher Wisdom and the Language of Light continue to accelerate the thinking process and the cognate focus of the outer world changes into a Higher meditation state of many worlds rather than simply on mundane reality.
The Mind can slow down to be with other people, but intuitively we know that there is more than meets the eye. Wherever one goes in their normal waking consciousness the “Pillar of Light” of God’s Spirit remains with them. Working with The Academy speeds up the thinking mechanism by allowing thought patterns to flow in and out like a movie film that continually refocuses reality while working on the step-functions of a meta-logic and a “Higher Light” — beyond our sun — which brings True Reality.
Day to day events that are taking place in the world are usually chaotic. If those same events were to take place to someone who has transformed his/her outlook and is now seeing life through the Higher Mind, those same circumstances would be seen as merely an illusion due to the process of the transformed scope of interconnecting events that are now presenting themselves. Can anyone imagine how the life process will be when all humankind awakens to the Reality of Global Transformation?
Our perception of reality does originate in the mind through speculation but when the thoughts of the majority of humanity are reconstructed with the Energy of Prayer and the Will of God everything will be made anew and the Spiritual Reality will be witnessed by all. Daily life continues to speed up and the processes of the historical time and space will lift and finally will be no more.Most importantly is the reaching out to understand the “Music of the Spheres” working simultaneously in audible and sub-audible ranges with the speed and creativity of the Language of Light, where communication is delivered at a more subtle process of transmission, as people become capable of thinking in Ideographic Pictograms (Ideas and Thought-Pictures). The human voice will not be as important as hearing the Voice of the Dove, the spiritual vehicle form of meta-transformation as the mind changes and acquires the ability of resonating with the Language of Light to bring forth miraculous gifts of global perception and manifestation of the human race in unity.
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