Workshop in France – Blanquefort/Bordeaux
09-10 November 2024
English with French translation
The Scrolls of Adam and Eve
On this study weekend, we will be working with the ancient manuscripts of the Adam and Eve story and delve into the history of creation, the ‘Fall’ and the subsequent expulsion from paradise as well as how the body of Adam is ultimately redeemed.
Dr Hurtak has given 50 Thresholds of Merkabah that guide us along the events, and we will be using the book published by and available from the Academy (please bring your study copy).
Many of us have questions about the nature of ‘Paradise’, the meaning of the ‘Fall’, who are the fallen intelligences, and how does that archetypal story reflect itself in our lives today. Come and join in study and deeper understanding.
Seminar in English with French translation.
Saturday : 10h00 – 18h00 | Sunday: 10h00 – 16h00 | 140 Euros.
Register with the form below
1-Day Workshop in Amsterdam
02 March 2024
The Ten Themes of the B’nai Or
The Message of the Brotherhood
The Higher Communion
On this study day we take a look at the profound prophecies in Key 118 and the perspective of future change. We will also discuss the meaning of the “House of Many Mansions”. Key 118 is the foundation of the 10 Themes of the B’nai Or, the Brotherhood of Light, that will guide us through the study.
Date: Saturday, 02 March 2024, 10.00 to 17.00 (room opens at 9.30).
Join for a full day of in-depth study and fellowship. The seminar will be held in English. Saturday 10:00am – 5:00pm | 90 EUR.
Register with form below.
Seminar in Bruges, Belgium
20/21 April 2024
From ‘Mind Control’ to the Infinite Mind
The Eightfold Way – Key 408
Whether we see it as the Ogdoad in Egypt to the Eight Treasures in China, the opening of the Eighth Chakra is the true beginning of Overself Activation.
This workshop will provide study and insight based on Key 408 and the science of higher consciousness that originates in Divine Wisdom. We will also look at the traditions of the Eightfold Way (Key 313) and the science of neurology and brain research that can help us discern between negative “mind control” and true contact with the Higher Evolution.
Understanding the difference between the emotional mind and brain and the Overself Mind of Wisdom is pivotal for the coming age of human interaction with the many civilizations in space.
Come join in profound study of The Keys of Enoch and Metatron.
Date: Saturday & Sunday, 20-21 April 2024, 10.30 to 21.30, and 10.00 to 17.00.
Join for study, meditation and fellowship. The seminar will be held in English with French translation. 150 EUR (including soup and teas/coffee).
Register with form below.
Workshop Booking Form